Stultus Studios Apps

Natural Scientific Calculator
Stultus Studios
Loved by millions of users, Android'shighest rated scientific calculator.Rove to navigate. Forget buttonsNatural Scientific Calculator utilizes Rove to allow to you editwherever you need to. Unlike other calculators which make you mashbuttons to move a cursor, our app allows you to simply swipe on thekeyboard to get to where you need. You can also pinch to zoom andget an overview of complex equations.Write as you would on paperOther apps make you enter equations on a single line like somethingfrom the 1970s. Our Natural Input solves this problem by allowingyou to enter equations as you'd write them on paper, usingfractions, roots, exponents and more. It's called a "naturaldisplay" and is a common feature on scientific calculators like theCasio fx-82 or TI-30XB, and we've finally brought it over toAndroid!History and FavouritesInstead of having to type out long equations over and over, simplyfavourite them and retrieve them with a single tap. Guaranteed tospeed up your workflow enormously.Tackle problems togetherTwo minds are better than one. Send your equations to friends,classmates or co-workers to refine your approach to a difficultquestion.Elegant and purposeful Material DesignA calculator app doesn't have to be bland and boring. Let thesubtle animations and vibrant colors guide you through the hardestof problems. If you've purchased the Productivity Pack, select froma variety of beautiful themes including our battery-saving"Starless Night" theme.Fractions, exponents and surdsConfused when your equation looks like this?50∗1/(0.05/12−0.08/12)[1−((1+0.08/12)/(1+0.05/12))^3]. We are too,so we've made structures like fractions display naturally as itdoes on paper.UpdatesFor the last 8 months our team has worked day and night toimplement new features and updates - we're not going to stopanytime soon. Support us by leaving us a rating, review or bypurchasing the Productivity Pack.Fully featured scientific functionality• Radians and Degrees support• Decimal to fraction conversion• Mixed and improper fractions• Permutations and combinations• Precision to 2,048 decimal places (non-trigonometric/roots)• Programmable roots, logarithms• Programmable constants• Trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent• And many more we can't list because we'd be flagged for spammingthis description!We need your helpJoin our beta testing community to get access to the latest cuttingedge features and provide feedback. If you can help us translate,please get in touch with us! You'll be featured in our app forlending a helping hand.